In marketing the practice of law, numerous touches are very important. It’s one thing to sign up a new case, do a great job handling the case, then have a successful conclusion of the case. Then what do you do to maintain a relationship with that client? And how will staying in touch, help you grow your practice year over year?
One of the biggest mistakes law firms make, is NOT staying in touch. Even if you are running a TV ad campaign, or have billboards strategically placed throughout your market, you still need many more touches on a regular basis.
A cost-effective and easy touch strategy is sending a quarterly email newsletter blast. The content can be about specific practice areas, changes in laws, safety prevention tips, local events, new happenings at your firm, or anything that would be helpful and informative.
Collecting an email address is just as important as collecting a phone number. Every month, you should be systematically building your email database list. Every chat lead that comes in, add the email to your database. Every web form lead, phone call lead, as well as every new case your law firm signs, you should secure an email address. Not everyone has an email, but 70% do. If you are not collecting at least 50% of emails from new case leads and new clients monthly, you could be losing future business.
It is always important to continue to foster new client relationships, maintain past client relationships, and stay in touch with as many people as you can who have touched your firm in some way. When we say people who have touched your firm, we mean current clients, past clients, pending clients, referral clients, vendors, staff, families of staff, and the list goes on.
Why Is Staying in Touch So Important?
Your law firm is a business. As a business, you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in bringing in new leads to sign new clients. You maximize your investment by simply staying in touch. The goal is to develop new business by cultivating and maintaining existing relationships.
The Power of The Newsletter
Sending a quarterly newsletter is a great way to reach thousands of people, very cost-effectively, and maintain top of mind awareness. The goal is to continually reach out to as many people, as much as you can, through multiple marketing strategies.
Regardless of the type of case, seeing your newsletter could spark a referral from a past client, current client’s family member, or someone’s neighbor across the street.
Legal Communications Group is the leading law firm advertising agency in the country. We have worked with hundreds of law firms over the past 33 years strategically growing their practices.
If you would like to implement a well thought out, cohesive marketing initiative that will help you achieve your goals, call Legal Communications at 215-364-8828 today. You will speak with a top law firm marketing specialist who can advise you on what is the best marketing strategy for your practice.
When you work with Legal Communications, you have access to a full-service advertising agency that can develop, implement and manage an entire annual marketing plan. Our services include market research & analysis, TV commercial production and media buying, full web development & digital advertising, branding, marketing materials, and community outreach.
We are the real deal. Every single one of our clients has received a 25% growth year over year working with our company. Join our family of the fastest growing law firms in the country.
Legal Communications Group, Legal Advertising Solutions That Make Sense for Your Practice!